Sports 2000 Duratec Championship

Sports 2000 Duratec with its modern engine packs a 200bhp punch, enough to give lap times far quicker than machinery twice the power and twice the cost.

It can do this thanks to a standard off the shelf engine giving 100% reliability and a genuine race engineered chassis.

All this at a price a true club racer can afford, which is most markedly true when it comes to running costs. These cars can complete a circuit at Brands Hatch in 46 seconds and even sub 46 has been achieved.

Bearing in mind how fast these Duratec Sports 2000’s can go, if a blow up occurred you needn’t sell the house to pay for a rebuild as a brand new engine is appox £2,500.  Now compare that to any other sports racing formula out there and you can see why Sports 2000 Duratec is so popular. The running costs are genuinely affordable for the club racer, a standard engine will easily last 4 or 5 years without a rebuild.

Like the Pinto cars of old, most racing car manufacturers have built a Sports 2000 Duratec, some of these include such names as Juno, March, MCR, Gunn, Van Diemen, RAY, Motus, Lola and Carbir. Having such diversity in manufacturers means you have a rich depth of designs just like the top sports formulae, giving one of the most impressive starting grids you will ever see. When Sports 2000 arrived in 1977 they looked like the 2-litre Group 6 cars. Today the Sports 2000 Duratec cars look like the modern LMP Sports racing cars that grace Le Mans and the like.

The championship has three classes. Class A is for the more modern cars, Class B or cars built before 2007, or those converted from Pintoand the Derek Bell class is for drivers over 60.

Using a standard engine with no tuning keeps chequebook racers away; to get to the front you need a well-prepared car and excellent driver ability. Having said that the formula also appeals to those with lesser ambitions who just want to enjoy racing contemporary sports racing cars. Our ethos ensures there is always someone to race against no matter where you are on the grid.

How can I get involved in Duratec Racing?

There is probably no substitute for coming along to one of our meetings and talking to any one of us involved in the championship.

The sense of camaraderie in the paddock is something we are very proud of and we would be delighted to give you any help we can to get you involved. In the meantime don’t hesitate to contact us via email or our contact form.

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